Order requests
Filtering terms Description Hits within a page (default: 100, maximum: 1000)
Number of the requested page (default: 0)
Internal ID, API returns it when an order is created
External ID, the ID given when an order is created
Order's name, the name given when an order is created
Payment status (e.g.: paid
, pending
, etc.)
Method of payment (e.g.: cod
, card
, etc.)
Last modification's date. Lists even several created or modified orders after the given date.
Filtering terms listed above are linked with AND
, you need to add only the terms that you'd like to filter.
In case of XML :
Url: https://app.webshippy.com/wspyapi/GetOrder/xml
Copy <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<lastMod>2018-01-01 00:00:00</lastMod>
Response (example):
Copy <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<createdAt>2018-02-14 13:04:33</createdAt>
<fulfilledAt>2018-02-20 16:27:17</fulfilledAt>
<invoiceCreatedAt>2018-02-16 00:00:00</invoiceCreatedAt>
<updatedAt>2018-02-26 12:18:17</updatedAt>
<productName>Szuperhős Póló</productName>
<variantName>Piros, XL</variantName>
<productName>CicaNaci - One Size</productName>
<productName>Akciós sapka</productName>
[ ... ]
[ ... ]
In case of a failed request (example):
Copy <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<elem>[field: lastMod]The field must be a valid datetime (eg. yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss)</elem>
In case of JSON :
Url: https://app.webshippy.com/wspyapi/GetOrder/json
Copy {
"apiKey": "api-key-comes-here",
"page": "0",
"limit": "10",
"filters": {
"wspyId": "",
"referenceId": "",
"referenceName": "",
"paymentStatus": "",
"paymentGateway": "",
"lastMod": "2018-01-01 00:00:00"
Response (example):
Copy {
"status": "success",
"message": [],
"result": [
"wspyId": "176",
"status": "fulfilled",
"referenceId": "87962-110037",
"referenceName": "87962-110037",
"createdAt": "2018-02-14 13:04:33",
"fulfilledAt": "2018-02-20 16:27:17",
"paymentGateway": "cod",
"paymentStatus": "pending",
"paymentTotalPrice": "8940.00",
"paymentTotalDiscounts": "1000.00",
"paymentCurrency": "HUF",
"shippingMode": "GLS",
"shippingPrice": "1290.00",
"shippingVat": "0.27",
"paidAt": null,
"codAmount": "1500.00",
"codCurrency": "HUF",
"codStatus": "",
"codReceivedAt": null,
"trackingCode": "WSHPY176",
"invoiceStatus": "",
"invoiceCreatedAt": "2018-02-16 00:00:00",
"invoiceNo": "inv#00001",
"refusedInvoiceNo": null,
"invoiceUrl": null,
"refusedDate": null,
"updatedAt": "2018-02-26 12:18:17",
"products": [
"sku": "szuperhos-polo-piros-xl",
"productName": "Szuperhős Póló",
"variantName": "Piros, XL",
"priceGross": "1890.00",
"vat": "0.27",
"quantity": "3"
"sku": "cicanaci-one-size",
"productName": "CicaNaci - One Size",
"variantName": null,
"priceGross": "990.00",
"vat": "0.27",
"quantity": "1"
"sku": "akcios-sapka",
"productName": "Akciós sapka",
"variantName": "Fekete",
"priceGross": "1990.00",
"vat": "0.27",
"quantity": "1"
[ ... ]
In case of a failed request (example):
Copy {
"status": "error",
"message": [
"[field: lastMod]The field must be a valid datetime (eg. yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss)"
Action's result. Possible values: success
, error
Error messages are in this field in case of a failed request
Results of a successful request are in this field as a block in each case
The Internal ID, API returns it when an order is created
Order's status, possible values:
: New
: Draft
: Ready
: Packing
: Packed
: Refused
External ID, the ID given when an order is created
Order's name, the name given when an order is created
(Original) time when the order got created
Time when the order got packed
In case it is paid, the time of payment
Amount of Cash On Delivery
Currency of Cash On Delivery
Status of Cash On Delivery
When the Cash On Delivery got recieved
Tracking code of the courier service
Invoice status
: Not yet invoiced
: Invoiced
: Canceled
Time when the invoice got created
Canceled invoice's ID number
Time of package return, and date of canceled invoice
Date of last modification in our system
Products in an order, only in block form
Product's SKU, item number
Product's gross selling price
Unique identifier affixed to the product at the time of packaging (optional)
Generating and modifying orders
With this function you can create and modify your orders. In case the order does not have a referenceId
, the API will generate one. In case you do have, and the status of the existing order is new, or draft, or there has not been manual modification, then the API modifies it. In case of a successful generation or modification, API gives back the order's Internal ID.
Order's details in generation or modification
External ID, free word, recommended to use the order's ID
Order name, free word, recommended to use the order's ID or a name created with it, for example ORDER#1221
Two-digit country code (e.g.: HU
State, Province ( especially when addressed abroad)
Title's note, use of <![CDATA[]]>
Transfer method, possible values:
Type of Pack point, possible values:
Billing data, requested when we invoice
Two-digit country code (e.g.: HU
Information about payment
Payment method, uses smart surveying, recommended values: cod
, card
, paypal
, etc.
Amount of Cash On Delivery, may differ from total, courier recieves it as COD amount
Payment status, possible values: paid
, pending
. Other cases require consultation
Date of payment, reuired if the status is paid
Price of delivery fee (Gross)
Price of delivery fee's VAT key
Currency of order, three-digit (ISO) ID e.g.: HUF
Product's SKU, item number
Product's gross selling price
PDF format invoice file with base64 coding
Required when API connection has Manual PDF invoice system
In case of XML :
Url: https://app.webshippy.com/wspyapi/CreateOrder/xml
Copy <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<createdAt>2018-02-14 13:04:33</createdAt>
<name>Kováts Béla</name>
<company>Virág Bt.</company>
<address1>Virág utca 25.</address1>
<note><![CDATA[Szállításkor kérem a futárt, hogy ne csengessen!!!]]></note>
<name>Kováts Béla</name>
<company>Virág Bt.</company>
<address1>Virág utca 25.</address1>
<productName>Szuperhős Póló</productName>
<variantName>Piros, XL</variantName>
<productName>CicaNaci - One Size</productName>
<productName>Akciós sapka</productName>
Response (example):
Copy <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<elem>The order creation was successful</elem>
In case of JSON :
Url: https://app.webshippy.com/wspyapi/CreateOrder/json
Copy {
"apiKey": "api-key-comes-here",
"order": {
"referenceId": "87962-110037",
"referenceName": "87962-110037",
"createdAt": "2018-02-14 13:04:33",
"shipping": {
"name": "Kov\u00e1ts B\u00e9la",
"company": "Vir\u00e1g Bt.",
"email": "bela@viragbt.hu",
"phone": "+36301234567",
"countryCode": "HU",
"stateOrProvinceCode": "",
"zip": "1234",
"city": "Budapest",
"address1": "Vir\u00e1g utca 25.",
"address2": "",
"note": "",
"mode": "GLS"
"billing": {
"name": "Kov\u00e1ts B\u00e9la",
"company": "Vir\u00e1g Bt.",
"phone": "+36301234567",
"countryCode": "HU",
"zip": "1234",
"city": "Budapest",
"address1": "Vir\u00e1g utca 25.",
"address2": ""
"payment": {
"paymentMode": "COD",
"codAmount": "1500.00",
"paymentStatus": "pending",
"paidDate": "",
"shippingPrice": "1290.00",
"shippingVat": "0.27",
"currency": "HUF",
"discount": "1000.00"
"products": [
"sku": "szuperhos-polo-piros-xl",
"productName": "Szuperh\u0151s P\u00f3l\u00f3",
"variantName": "Piros, XL",
"priceGross": "1890.00",
"vat": "0.27",
"quantity": "3"
"sku": "cicanaci-one-size",
"productName": "CicaNaci - One Size",
"priceGross": "990.00",
"vat": "0.27",
"quantity": "1"
"sku": "akcios-sapka",
"productName": "Akci\u00f3s sapka",
"variantName": "Fekete",
"priceGross": "1990.00",
"vat": "0.27",
"quantity": "1"
Response (example):
Copy {
"status": "success",
"message": [
"The order creation was successful"
"wspyId": 176
Additional response possibilities:
The order creation was successful
The order modification was successful
Order's delete
In case of JSON :
Url: https://app.webshippy.com/wspyapi/deleteOrder/json
Copy {
"apiKey": "api-key-comes-here",
"filters": {
"wspyId": "917872738"
I n case of XML :
Url: https://app.webshippy.com/wspyapi/deleteOrder/xml
Copy <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
The Internal ID, API returns it when an order is created
External ID, the ID given when an order is created
Order's name, the name given when an order is created
Only one order can be deleted at a time! An order which has been manually modified by a user in Webshippy can not be deleted with API request.
Last updated 4 months ago